I AM: Getting Better At Asking For Help

🤔 who else struggles with organising their creativity? For those of us who are fine with the fun bit of making stuff but really struggle with the ‘grown up’ bits of tidying up and looking after our creations, I'm proud to say I'm finally getting the support I need with my disability - ADHD has made it incredibly difficult for me to look after my stuff! 🤪

🙋‍♀️ But seeking disability support has led to me grow my team again, and we’ve started with the daunting task of destroying and rebuilding my beloved home-made frankenstein of a live looping instrument, BEAST🛠

It has been a scary process, but I'm determined to get it ship shape. 😅 I’m sick of broken cables, lost power supplies and most of all, i’m sick of being the ONLY ONE who understands my ‘organised chaos’ systems. 🤯

I'm slowly starting to understand the complexities of how to take better care of myself, my gear and my creations, mostly by ASKING FOR and ACCEPTING HELP, and then to use proper collaborative systems to better protect these precious creations 🤩




i AM: sober